Retaining students in third level education in Ireland

Why do students in Ireland leave their third level courses? According to a 2015 study on ‘why students leave higher education in Ireland by UCD, Ireland has a relatively high retention rate of 78%, however, every year one in six or 7000 undergraduate students fail to progress to the second year of their course. Responses from over 4000 students were gathered to find out the reasons why students leave. I’m sure you can guess the number one reason. Yes, you’re right, over half of the students left because they felt they chose the wrong course for them. The other key factors were listed as personal, financial, health and family reasons.

I have always felt that career guidance in secondary school is very poor, there is very little one on one time. We need to devote more time to students at 16 and 17, at the start of the senior cycle to help them recognise their interests and skills. Students need to know more details of the course content they are planning to study. Employers need to be more willing to engage students with comprehensive transition year programs.

The National Forum completed a smaller scale study in 2016 and they found similar results. Worryingly when they asked students who they spoke to about their decision to leave, most students did not consult relevant institutional supports or those available in the students’ union. Students were unaware of such supports or did not feel they would be helpful. The study recommended that university staff be empathetic with students looking for help. It also advised institutions to communicate existing supports for students in a more direct way as students felt they wouldn’t get the support needed.

In EL6052 this week we discussed Learner Support in third level education. I have to say that I was been pleasantly surprised by the range of learner support available to students here at UL. There is plenty of academic tutoring available e.g. writing workshops, research skills, maths and science tutorials. We need to ensure that students are availing of these early to help them build up their skills. There is also a wide range of non-academic support available e.g. free counseling, careers advice and installment plans for paying fees. The first seven weeks program is fantastic and is UL shouting from the rooftops in bright orange t-shirts with the message that we know the transition to third level is hard, we are here to help.

Being a mature 40 plus second time around student, I know that I will ask for help if needed. I feel extremely lucky that I could approach any of my lecturers for advice if I needed to. Universities need to ensure that all students feel the same. Stuff happens in all our lives to challenge us. Students should feel that they are part of the college community and will be supported to deal with problems.

The National Forum report concludes that student services require enhanced funding to ensure adequacy of provision, availability of staff at appropriate places and times, and the visibility of the service from the student and staff perspective. I feel that not all students will stay on to complete their studies, however, engagement builds resilience in students and teaches them to solve problems for themselves, an important life lesson.


Moore-Cherry, N. M. (2015) Why students leave higher education in Ireland, available: [last accessed 26 February 2019]

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2016), “Reaching Out: Why Students Leave,” in teachingandlearning.ie  [last accessed 26 February 2019]

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